As part of our twice-yearly Festivals, we enable new and innovative performing arts companies to perform in Sheffield, companies that may not have previously had a platform to present their work here. This offers opportunities for UoS students to work alongside professional arts practitioners, to develop their own creativity and grow as individuals.
Resident Companies
We are delighted to announce that our 2019/2020 Resident Company is Company Nil, led by Director/Choreographer Daniel Phung, a British-Born Chinese and Vietnamese Movement, Theatre and Visual Artist based in Sheffield. The work we are supporting them to develop is Blowin In The Wind, a powerful and dynamic dance theatre piece addressing the complexity of current gender relations in a patriarchal society, which challenges our perspective on ‘power’.

We are also pleased to be able to support the work of two further companies:
Sheffield based new musical theatre company, Mr Bugg Presents and their forthcoming show, A Kept Man which explores how class intersects with gender and sexuality to create inequalities in society.

And, Dapertutto – who devise pieces that tell stories through compelling imagery, unique style and bold physicality – and their first full-length piece, Lionman, is a two-man show that follows the story of Leonard Smith.