We operate on a mixed funding model with income generated by the University, ticket sales, grants and foundation support, and public donations. The generous support of funding supports our work in…
Musical Discovery
We work to provide a diverse series of public concert performances, festivals and creative projects covering a range of musical styles and genres. Funding support helps us to be bold, ambitious and creative. It helps us to champion musical partnership through collaborations with national and internationally reknowned artists, and local organisations, to inspire and create new work and performances for the city.

Musical Participation
We work to ensure children of all ages and backgrounds participate in musical learning opportunities. We engage with hundreds of children in the city, many of whom have limited or no access to music provision. Funding support helps us to expand the scope of this activity. It helps us to develop our outreach activities by partnering with new schools and introducing more children to the full scope of our musical genres and vast array of artists and performances.

Musical Development
We work to foster real-world challenges and experiences for
our students to equip them for future careers in music.
Funding support helps us to provide more opportunities for
our students. It ensures we can continue to provide
opportunities for students to apply and develop their skills
in performance, composing, conducting, sound recording and
production, and music management and arts administration.

Supporters of the University of Sheffield
We’re enormously grateful to the following for their support towards our work in recent years: